Understanding and Resolving “CSRF Token Mismatch” Errors

CSRF Token Mismatch
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token mismatch errors are common issues encountered in web development, particularly in frameworks like Laravel. This comprehensive guide will help you understand what a CSRF token error is, why it occurs, and how to fix it across various scenarios, including Laravel, Chrome, Axios, Sanctum, and Postman.

Table of Contents

What does CSRF Token Mismatch Mean?

A CSRF token mismatch error happens when the CSRF token in a request does not match the expected token set by the web application. This usually indicates that the request did not originate from your application, and it helps prevent unauthorized actions by verifying the source of the request.

Why is My CSRF Token Missing or Incorrect?

  • Session Expiry: The user’s session may have expired, leading to a mismatch.
  • Cache Issues: Cached pages might not have the latest CSRF token.
  • Multiple Tabs: Using multiple tabs in the browser can sometimes cause token issues.
  • Third-party Extensions: Browser extensions might interfere with token validation.
  • Improper Token Setup: Issues in the application setup or improper token passing

How to Fix CSRF Token Mismatch Chrome

1. Clear Browser Cache and Cookies

Temporarily disable browser extensions to see if they are causing the issue.


2. Disable Extensions

Temporarily disable browser extensions to see if they are causing the issue.


3. Check Session Expiry

Ensure that the session has not expired by logging out and logging back in.

How to Handle CSRF Token Mismatch Laravel

In Laravel, CSRF protection is enabled by default. If you’re facing CSRF token mismatch errors, here’s how to handle them:

1. Verify Token Setup

Ensure that your forms include the CSRF token field.
					<form method="POST" action="/your-route">
    <!-- other form fields -->


2. Check Middleware

Ensure VerifyCsrfToken middleware is enabled in Kernel.php.
					protected $middlewareGroups = [
    'web' => [


3. Handling Tokens in AJAX Requests

When using Axios or other AJAX libraries, ensure the token is included in the request headers.

CSRF Token Mismatch Axios

When using Axios in Laravel, you might encounter CSRF token mismatch errors. Here’s how to handle them:

1. Include CSRF Token in Headers

Set up Axios to include the CSRF token in the headers for every request.
					axios.defaults.headers.common['X-CSRF-TOKEN'] = document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]')


2. Example Axios Request

Ensure VerifyCsrfToken middleware is enabled in Kernel.php.
					axios.post('/your-route', {
    data: 'your-data'
}).then(response => {
}).catch(error => {


CSRF Token Mismatch Laravel Sanctum

Laravel Sanctum provides a simple authentication system for SPAs (single page applications), mobile applications, and simple, token-based APIs. Here’s how to address CSRF token mismatch issues with Sanctum:

1. Ensure Sanctum Middleware

Make sure Sanctum’s middleware is added to your api middleware group within your Kernel.php file.
					protected $middlewareGroups = [
    'api' => [


2. Configure Axios with Sanctum

Set up Axios to work with Sanctum’s CSRF protection.
					axios.get('/sanctum/csrf-cookie').then(response => {
    axios.post('/your-route', {
        data: 'your-data'
    }).then(response => {


CSRF Token Mismatch Laravel Postman

Testing Laravel APIs with Postman can sometimes result in CSRF token mismatch errors. Here’s how to resolve them:

1. Get CSRF Token

First, make a GET request to /sanctum/csrf-cookie to get the CSRF token.

2. Include CSRF Token in Headers

Use the token in the headers for subsequent requests.
					curl -X GET "http://your-app.test/sanctum/csrf-cookie" -c cookie.txt
curl -X POST "http://your-app.test/your-route" -b cookie.txt -H "X-CSRF-TOKEN: your-csrf-token" -d "your-data"

By following these steps, you can effectively handle and resolve CSRF token mismatch errors in various contexts, ensuring secure and smooth operation of your Laravel applications.

Final Words

CSRF token mismatch errors can be frustrating, but understanding their causes and how to resolve them can significantly improve your development experience. Whether you’re working with Laravel, using Chrome, or testing with Postman, following the outlined steps will help you handle these issues effectively. By ensuring proper token setup and management, you can maintain a secure and smooth operation of your web applications.

If you continue to encounter issues, reviewing your middleware configuration and ensuring consistency in your token usage across your application will often resolve these errors.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

To fix a CSRF token error, ensure that the CSRF token is correctly generated and included in every form or AJAX request. Verify that your server-side application is properly validating the token. Clear your browser cache and cookies, and try resubmitting the form.

Fixing a CSRF mismatch involves checking that the CSRF token is correctly generated and sent with each request. Ensure the token matches the one stored on the server. Clear your browser cache, refresh the page, and try again.

To enable CSRF cookies in Chrome, ensure that cookies are not blocked. Go to Chrome settings > Privacy and security > Cookies and other site data, and make sure “Allow all cookies” or “Block third-party cookies in Incognito” is selected.

A CSRF token is a unique, secret value that is included in forms and AJAX requests to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. It ensures that requests to a web application are legitimate and originated from the correct source.

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Picture of Md Monayem Islam

Md Monayem Islam

Hey, I'm Md Monayem Islam. I’m a Full Stack Developer with extensive expertise in Laravel (PHP), Vue.js (TypeScript), and API development. Over the years, I’ve honed my skills in building dynamic and scalable web applications. Previously, I worked on a variety of projects, creating robust solutions and enhancing the user experience for clients worldwide. Now, I’m here to share my knowledge and help you develop web applications.

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